An Introduction to the The General’s Blog by Bruce Venter

Bruce Venter

Welcome to the first edition of America’s History, LLC’s blog. We’re calling it The General’s Blog because many of my close friends affectionately, and sometimes sarcastically, call me General (you know who you are and what description fits you.)

The purpose of the blog is to provide current information, either about our tours or about something of a historical nature that I found interesting and wanted to pass on to our subscribers. I promise you the blog will not be used to tell you when I had a headache or when I walked the dog. Some bloggers use the medium as a personal history but I think you’re better served if there is some good, useful information on the blog about American history. Of course, since many of you know our cute little beagle, Sally, if she does something really unusual, it may be highlighted on the blog. I hope this will be an interactive experience and that you’ll feel free to comment on the content and views expressed on the blog. You should also feel free to contribute. If you know of a worthwhile event, a preservation project that needs publicity or if you’ve come across something in your research or reading that you think would be of interest to other history enthusiasts, please send it to us.

David Reuwe

Let me get things started. David Reuwer, the publisher and editor of American Revolution magazine has recently announced that he’ll be the editor of Patriots of the American Revolution magazine beginning with the July issue. POAR has been around about three years but has only recently expanded its distribution to Barnes & Noble and Books a Million. David produced a superior product with his original magazine but he was essentially a one-man show. Now that he’s partnered with an established journal, he’ll have plenty of support personnel. In addition, David will be able to honor the remaining issues, if you had a subscription to American Revolution magazine by providing copies of the new POAR magazine to fill out your subscription. This appears to be a win/win situation for David and the owners of POAR. Recently America’s History advertised in POAR and we encourage you to pick up a copy and take a subscription. Good things will be happening with the magazine and we wish David all the best.

David Reuwer will also be co-leading along with Josh Howard and yours truly our “Gamecock vs. the Swamp Fox” tour this October in South Carolina. We’ll be taking up where we left off with the Swamp Fox tour in 2009 by following the exploits of Thomas Sumter, another Southern partisan who crossed swords with the British as well as Francis Marion during a very turbulent time in the Revolutionary War. I’ve already determined that Josh and David have diametrically opposing views on Sumter. Excellent sites, some private properties, great historical commentary and debate, and lots of fun are in store for those who register for America’s History’s “Gamecock” tour.

~Bruce Venter


  1. Shawn Constancio says

    In 2007, I began a journey that now has led me to you via this website/blog. I trust you will find my story to be “‘must tell”…it started with a 8th grade american history module on the American Revolution, native americans, discrimination and civil rights. Do you have a email address?

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