The Vicksburg Campaign:Beyond the Park Boundaries – October 24 -27, 2012

The Vicksburg Campaign:Beyond the Park Boundaries – October 24 -27, 2012

Wednesday, October 24 (7:30PM) to Saturday, October 27, 2012  (5:00pm)
Led by A. Wilson “Will” Greene and Terry Winschel
Based in Vicksburg, MS
Tour Cost: $475.00

Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant’s campaign to capture Vicksburg on the east bank of the Mississippi River was a wide-ranging military and logistical operation. It was also a major component in the North’s strategic plan to defeat the Confederacy. Our tour of the Vicksburg campaign will live up to this analysis by ranging far beyond the National Military Park’s boundaries as we look at Grant’s masterpiece in depth. Our lead historian, Will Greene did an exemplary job last year at Shiloh, so we are fortunate to benefit from his expert services again here at Vicksburg.

An important site in the early Federal attempt to get at Vicksburg will be our stop at Chickasaw Bayou, where Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman’s troops suffered a setback in December 1862 delivered by Lt. Gen. John C. Pemberton’s Confederates. From this battlefield, we’ll cross the Mississippi to explore the area around “Grant’s Canal” where Union forces attempted to cut a waterway that would essentially bypass the city, rendering the heavily gunned fortress powerless. Then it’s on to Grand Gulf to see the strongly fortified Confederate position which proved too much for Union Admiral David Dixon Porter’s gunboats, despite a heavy bombardment. After the setback at Grand Gulf, Grant decided to cross the river near Port Gibson. We will stop at Bruinsburg where Union infantrymen forced the bluffs to start the final effort to capture Vicksburg. We will tour the battle sites around Port Gibson where Grant was finally able to dent the Confederate lines, but only after dogged fighting on both sides. We’ll also see the ruins of Windsor Plantation, made famous by Hollywood as well as the Civil War.

On our second day we will see Grant as the bold strategist as he heads to Raymond and Jackson to deal with the Confederate troops that could potentially be in his rear, if he attacked Vicksburg. We will head to Raymond to see a battle site that significantly influenced the campaign. Only three years ago the size of this “bucolic” battlefield doubled in size thru preservation efforts. Successfully dealing with this perimeter threat, Grant turned in the direction of the fortress city. But Pemberton’s forces will meet the Union army at Champion Hill which will end up being the bloodiest fight of the campaign. We will walk the Champion Hill battlefield and visit the Coker House. We will follow the Southerners retreat back to Vicksburg, stopping at the Big Black River bridges to see where elements of Pemberton’s troops stubbornly fought to buy time for the army to return to its fortifications.

Our third day will concentrate on sites within the Vicksburg National Military Park including its legendary battlefield monuments and the Federal army’s siege lines. A stop will be made at the U.S.S. Cairo Museum, famous for its restored ironclad, Pemberton’s headquarters and the Old Courthouse Museum. The 1960’s rescue of the Cairo from the muddy Mississippi was made famous by the dogged determination of Ed Bearss, Vicksburg NMP’s historian and tour leader extraordinaire. Pemberton’s headquarters, an 1836 Greek revival mansion known as the “Mrs. Willis House” during the 1863 siege retains much of its historic appearance through recent restoration. Our Vicksburg tour will be one you will want to tell your friends about—we guarantee it!

Part of your registration fee will help support the Pamplin Historical Park & The National Museum of the Civil War Soldier near Petersburg, Virginia. PHP receives no government funding, but relies on revenues collected at the Park and from donations to make its quality programming and preservation efforts possible. For more information about PHP, go to

Registration Fee: $475.00

What’s included: motor coach transportation, three lunches, beverage and snack breaks, a map and materials package, all admissions and gratuities, and the services of two experienced tour leader/historians. Our hotel will provide a complimentary breakfast each day. Tour participants are responsible for transportation to the headquarters hotel, and securing a room reservation, if necessary. Dinner is on your own. Tour goes out rain or shine. Please see our policy page for information about cancellations.

Hotel:  We have arranged with the headquarters hotel for a group rate of $109.00 per night plus tax (double or single occupancy.) Please call the Hampton Inn and Suites, 3330 Clay Street, Vicksburg, MS 39183 at 601-636-6100 and ask for the America’s History LLC group rate. This rate will be guaranteed until September 23, so please make your reservations soon Our Tour Guides/Historians

Dr. A. Wilson Greene is executive director of the Pamplin Historical Park and a very popular leader of Civil War tours. He has been a historian with the National Park Service and was the first president of the APCWS. He is the author of more than 20 published works on the Civil War, including Final Battles of the Petersburg Campaign: Breaking the Backbone of the Rebellion.

Terrence J. Winschel, a close friend and colleague of Will Greene will accompany us during part of this tour. He is a former historian at Vicksburg National Military Park and the author of Triumph & Defeat: The Vicksburg Campaign; Vicksburg: Fall of the Confederate Gibraltar; and Vicksburg is the Key: The Struggle for the Mississippi River.

Dr. Bruce M. Venter, president of America’s History, LLC will accompany this tour.

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Phone: 1-855-OUR-HISTORY (687-4478)

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America’s History LLC, P. O. Box 1076, Goochland, VA 23063

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