Thursday, April 19 (8:00am-5:00pm)
Leaving from the Baltimore Tremont Hotel
Led by Dr. John V. Quarstein
Tour Registration Fee: $155
America’s History’s third annual tour for the Company of Military Historians will focus on the theme of this year’s conference: the War of 1812. We have enlisted the award-winning and very popular speaker and historian, Dr. John V. Quarstein as our tour leader. A life-long resident of the Eastern shore, John is steeped in the history of the Chesapeake area. He currently serves on the Advisory Council of the Virginia Bicentennial of the War of 1812 Commission.
We have designed this tour so it will not duplicate other 1812 sites you may be visiting during the conference with the Company.
This full-day tour will include St. Michael’s, a town that twice defended itself against British attacks, and was known as “the town that fooled the British.” While in St. Michael’s we will visit the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum and see other sites like the Mill Point Battery and the Cannonball House which has a truly unique story to tell. We’ll also stop at Georgetown, another village that sustained a British attack in 1813 and where the Kitty Knight House still stands. We’ll visit the site of the battle of Caulks Field where American militia barely defeated Sir Peter Parker’s attack on their camp in August 1814. Havre de Grace, the town which Rear Admiral Cockburn’s raided in1814, will be another stop where we will visit the site of the battle of Concord Point. Then it’s back to Baltimore for a visit to the Flag House and Star-Spangled Banner Museum where Fort McHenry’s famous garrison flag was sewn. We will be back for the opening reception aboard the USS Constellation in Baltimore Harbor.
This tour was designed for the Company of Military Historians’ annual conference. It is our first tour of the 2012 season and is open to all America’s History customers. You do not have to register for the CMH conference to attend this tour, but we encourage you to look at the CMH program because they will be offering many terrific lectures and activities from April 19-22. For information about the conference, go online to
Tour Registration Fee $155.00
What’s included: motor coach transportation, lunch, beverage and snack breaks, a map and materials package, all admissions and gratuities, and the services of an experienced tour guide- historian. Tour participants are responsible for transportation to the Baltimore Tremont Hotel, and for securing a room reservation, if necessary. Tour goes out rain or shine.
Hotel: Information for the Baltimore Tremont Hotel will be here soon.
Our Tour Guide/Historian: Dr. John V. Quarstein, an award-winning author and preservationist, is an experienced tour leader and a much sought after speaker on all periods of American history. He is the author of ten books including A History of Ironclads: the Power of Iron Over Wood. He is a consultant to the Mariners’ Museum in Newport News, Virginia and serves of the boards of the Virginia Civil War Trails, Fort Monroe Area Authority and the Virginia Sesquicentennial Commission Advisory Board. His most recent project is as screen writer for a four hour PBS special entitled “Pyrates of the Chesapeake.”
Dr. Bruce M. Venter, CEO of America’s History, LLC and a Company of Military Historians member will also accompany the tour.
In 2011, one Company member said our Trenton tour was “a very well organized and professional tour delivered with energy, insight and good humor. The chance to relive history with passion and excitement!”