Edward G. Lengel, Head of Faculty — ” Some Desperate Glory: The Battles of Connecticut Farms and Springfield, June 1780
Stephen Brumwell —“Turncoat: Benedict Arnold and the Crisis of American Liberty”
Michael Gabriel —“To Induce the Officers & Soldiery to Exert Themselves’: Plunder and Trophies in the Revolutionary War.”
T. Cole Jones —“Captives of Liberty: British, German and Loyalist Prisoners of War and the Politics of Vengeance”
Larry Kidder —“Ten Crucial Days: Washington’s Campaign against Trenton and Princeton”
Mark Edward Lender —“Cabal!: The Plot against George Washington”
James Kirby Martin —“The American Revolution: For Some of the People or All of the People”
Nathaniel Philbrick —“In the Hurricane’s Eye: The Genius of George Washington, the Battle of the Capes and the Victory at Yorktown”
Eric Schnitzer —“The Value of Revisionism: Don Troiani’s Campaign to Saratoga – 1777″
Gary Sellick, Emerging Scholar —“Black Men, Red Coats: The Creation of the Carolina Corps in Revolutionary South Carolina”
Cocktail Reception on Friday Evening for Speakers and Attendees
Update from the Revolutionary War Trust
Friday Bus Tour: Great Bridge, Norfolk, Kemp’s Landing and more
led by Patrick “Pat” Hannum, Lt. Col. USMC (ret.)
Conference Registration: includes cocktail reception, lunch and refreshment breaks
Friday Bus Tour: BUS IS FULL!
Exclusive Offer: Discounted tickets to the Colonial Williamsburg Historic Area will be available to all attendees to use before or after the conference.
Conference Hotel: We have booked a block of rooms at the Colonial Williamsburg’s Woodlands Hotel next to the Colonial Williamsburg Visitor’s Center at a rate of $92.00 per night (double or single occupancy) or suite $112. This hotel provides a hot and cold breakfast buffet each day. You may reserve a room by calling 800-261-9530 and identifying yourself as an America’s History conference attendee.
Our Featured Sponsors: Westholme Publishing Company, Tim Sampson’s Battlemaps.us, and Knox Press
Our last four Conferences sold out, so please register early to avoid disappointment.
Southside Revolutionary Virginia 1775 Tour – Friday, March 20, 8 AM to 4:30 PM – Led by Patrick H. “Pat” Hannum, Professor, Joint Forces Staff College, National Defense University, Lt Col USMC (Ret)
This tour will visit three critically important Revolutionary War sites, in the modern cities of Norfolk, Virginia Beach and Chesapeake, in order to help inform the important events and explain how the Whig Government ousted the Royal Governor, Lord Dunmore, and British military forces from the State of Virginia. These events largely unfolded in the fall of 1775 and culminated with the destruction of the City of Norfolk in early 1776. Strategically important, these events led to near uncontested Whig control of the State of Virginia for three and one-half years. The British defeat at Yorktown in October 1781 traces its roots to the critical decisions and decisive actions of the Whig Governments of Virginia and North Carolina in the fall of 1775. We will visit:
Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church, Norfolk: Saint Paul’s is the only structure in the city that survived the destruction in early 1776. Here a docent will allow us to visit the church and our leader will frame the conditions, circumstances and facts surrounding the destruction of the city. The true story of the destruction is well document, but the popular view promulgated by most historians is blatantly false. We will discuss the strategic impact surrounding the destruction of Norfolk.
Kemp’s Landing, Virginia Beach: Kemp’s Landing was a thriving commercial center in then the largely rural and agrarian Princess Anne County with homes, businesses and warehouses located at the head of the Eastern Branch of the Elizabeth River. Because of its importance to the Whigs, it was the site of at least two military actions by Lord Dunmore in October and November 1775 to crush the Whig military resistance in the region and embolden Loyalist support.
Great Bridge, Chesapeake: The site of the Battle of Great Bridge is preserved by the Great Bridge Battlefield & Waterways History Foundation and an interpretive trail tells the story of this strategic location. A new multi-million-dollar facility houses a museum scheduled to open in September. Here we will examine the details associated with the site and events centered there.
A box lunch will be served at the Great Bridge Museum picnic area. As customary, snacks and beverages will be provided during the tour.
Register Online: TOUR IS CANCELLED
- Phone: 1-703-785-4373
- Email us at: info@AmericasHistoryLLC.com
- Postal mail: America’s History LLC, P. O. Box 1076, Goochland, VA 23063
Visa, Master Card and Discover accepted. We take checks too!