Friday, October 22 – Sunday, October 24, 2021
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Registration Fee: Conference Only $250.00 – Conference + Bus Tour $350.00
Neal Bascomb – “Winter Fortress: The Mission to Sabotage Hitler’s Atomic Bomb”
Michael Bishop – “A Frolic with the Germans?: Churchill and Irish Neutrality”
Stephen Harding – “Escape from Paris: A True Story of Love and Resistance in Wartime France”
John McManus – “Fire and Fortitude: The US Army in the Pacific War, 1941-1943”
Michael Neiberg – “Working with the Enemy: The United States and Vichy France”
James M. Scott– “Target Tokyo: Jimmy Doolittle and the Raid that Avenged Pearl Harbor”
Craig Symonds – “The Command Temperament of Admiral Chester Nimitz”
Flint Whitlock – “The Fighting First in 1944: The 1st Infantry Division in Sicily and at Normandy”
Mitchell Yockelson – “The Paratrooper Generals: Matthew Ridgeway, Maxwell Taylor and the
American Airborne from D-Day through Normandy”
Cocktail Reception on Friday Evening for all Speakers and Attendees
Friday Bus Tour: US Army Heritage and Education Center, Carlisle, PA and the new Buck Family Museum’s collection of World War II tanks, vehicles, memorabilia, etc., Gettysburg
Conference Registration: includes cocktail reception, continental breakfast, lunch and refreshment breaks: $250, if paid by 9/22/21; after 9/22/21 registration is $280.
Friday Bus Tour: includes donations, lunch, and refreshment breaks $100.
Conference Hotel: We have booked a block of rooms at the Wyndham Hotel and Conference Center, 95 Presidential Circle, Gettysburg, PA at a rate of $107.00 per night (double or single occupancy) or suite at $134. For room reservations, please call the Wyndham at 717-339-0020 and ask for the World War II Conference rate.
For more information about our 2nd Annual World War II Conference and the bus tour or to register, call America’s History at 703-785-4373.
Register Online:
CONFERENCE REGISTRATION – $250.00 if paid by 9/22/21
CONFERENCE REGISTRATION + Bus Tour – $350.00 if paid by 9/22/21
Register by phone, e-mail or postal mail:
- Phone: 1-703-785-4373
- Email us at:
- Postal mail: America’s History LLC, P. O. Box 1076, Goochland, VA 23063
Visa, Master Card and Discover accepted. We take checks too!