9th Annual Conference of the American Revolution – March 18-20, 2022

9th Annual Conference of the American Revolution – March 18-20, 2022

Friday, March 18 (6:30pm) – Sunday, March 20, 2022 (12:30pm)

Tour registration: $306

**Visa, Master Card and Discover accepted. Credit card payments include additional fees.

All previous conference and Great Bridge tour credits will be honored at no additional cost

HQ: Williamsburg, Virginia

American Revolution Conference

Edward G. Lengel—Head of Faculty – “Some Desperate Glory: The Battles of Connecticut Farms and Springfield, June 1780.”

Michael Gabriel – “To Induce the Officers & Soldiery to Exert Themselves’: Plunder and Trophies in the Revolutionary War.” 

Michael Harris – “Germantown: The Battle for Philadelphia, October 1777” 

Cole Jones – “Captives of Liberty: British, German and Loyalist Prisoners of War and the Politics of Vengeance”

Larry Kidder – “Ten Crucial Days: Washington’s Campaign against Trenton and Princeton”

Mark Edward Lender – “Cabal!  The Plot against George Washington”  

James Kirby Martin – “Reconciliation or Independence: Understanding the Rebel Insurgents of 1775-1776″

David Preston – “General George Washington: Echoes of the Seven Years’ War in the Revolutionary War”

Eric Schnitzer – “Make Way for New Interpretations: Don Troiani’s Campaign to Saratoga – 1777″

Gary Sellick “Dr. Robert J. Christen Emerging Scholar” – “Black Men, Red Coats: The Creation of the Carolina Corps in Revolutionary South Carolina”

Cocktail Reception on Friday Evening for Speakers and Attendees
Friday Bus Tour: Great Bridge, Norfolk, Kemp’s Landing and more
led by Patrick “Pat” Hannum, Lt. Col USMC (ret.)

Conference Registration: includes cocktail reception, lunch and refreshment breaks

Friday Bus Tour: includes admissions, lunch, refreshment breaks, map package – The bus tour is now full. Please call Bruce to be put on the waiting list in case there are cancelations.

Exclusive Offer: Discounted tickets to the Colonial Williamsburg Historic Area will be available to all attendees to use before or after the conference.

Conference Hotel: We have booked a block of rooms at the Colonial Williamsburg’s Woodlands Hotel next to the Colonial Williamsburg Visitor’s Center at a rate of $99.00 per night (double or single occupancy) or suite $129.00. This hotel provides a buffet breakfast each day. You may reserve a room by calling 800-261-9530 and identifying yourself as an America’s History conference attendee.

Our Featured Sponsors: Westholme Publishing Company, Tim Sampson’s Battlemaps.us and Knox Press

Friday Bus Tour, March 18, 2022 (8am to 4:30pm)

The bus tour is now full. Please call Bruce to be put on the waiting list in case there are cancellations.

 Register by phone, e-mail or postal mail:

  • Phone: 1-703-785-4373
  • Email us at: info@AmericasHistoryLLC.com
  • Postal mail: America’s History LLC, P. O. Box 1076, Goochland, VA 23063

Register Online for Conference only: $306

Our last four Conferences SOLD OUT so please register early to avoid disappointment.

For more information about our 9th Annual conference on the American Revolution, the bus tour and to be put on the waiting list, call Bruce at America’s History: 703-785-4373.



  1. Carol Grossi says

    I would love to come to the conference as well as the bus tour. I did register in the past and I’m wondering if that money can be part of what I need to pay. Please let me know if that is possible and how much I need to pay for anything else, including the bus tour. At this time, please include me for the conference and the bus tour.


  1. […] are available for $306, and can be purchased online. Students under 19 years of age are free when accompanied by a registered […]

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