Friday, October 28 – Sunday, October 30, 2022
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Registration Fee (Cash or Check)**
Conference Only $280.00 – Conference + Bus Tour $390.00
Edward G. Lengel – Head of Faculty
Michael Gabriel– “Physician Soldier: The South Pacific Letters of Captain Fred Gabriel from the 39th Station Hospital”
Leah Garrett – “X Troop: The Secret Jewish Commandos of World War II”
Alex Kershaw – “Against All Odds: Four Medal of Honor Recipients in World War II”
John McManus – “Island Infernos: The US Army’s Pacific War Odyssey, 1944”
Charles Neimeyer– “The U.S. Marines at Guadalcanal, 1942″
Daniel O’Keefe – “One Day in August: Canada’s Tragedy at Dieppe, 1942”
James M. Scott – “Black Snow: Curtis LeMay, the Firebombing of Tokyo, and the Road to the Atomic Bomb”
Craig Symonds – “Leyte Gulf: The Greatest Naval Battle Ever Fought”
Flint Whitlock – “First to Fight: The Big Red One in North Africa”
Cocktail Reception on Friday Evening at 6:30 PM for all Speakers and Attendees Friday Bus Tour: The American Experience: World War II (New Buck Family Museum); a collection of World War II tanks, vehicles, memorabilia, etc., Gettysburg and another site TBD
Conference Registration: includes cocktail reception, continental breakfast, lunch and refreshment breaks.
Friday Bus Tour: The American Experience: World War II (New Buck Family Museum); a collection of World War II tanks, vehicles, memorabilia, etc., Gettysburg and a special tour of the Army Heritage and Education Center Museum (inside and outside) led by our head of faculty, Dr. Edward G. Lengel. Lunch, snacks and refreshments will be provided.
Conference Hotel: We have booked a block of rooms at the Wyndham Hotel and Conference Center, 95 Presidential Circle, Gettysburg, PA at a rate of $119.00 per night (double or single occupancy) or suite at $139. For room reservations, please call the Wyndham at 717-339-0020 and ask for the World War II Conference rate.
Register Online:
Register by phone, e-mail or postal mail:
- Phone: 1-703-785-4373
- Email us at:
- Postal mail: America’s History LLC, P. O. Box 1076, Goochland, VA 23063
Visa, Master Card and Discover accepted. We take checks too!