Friday, October 27 – Sunday, October 29, 2023
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Conference Only $300.00 – Conference + Bus Tour $445.00
Keynote Speaker: Rick Beyer – “The Ghost Army of World War II: How One Top-Secret Unit Deceived the Enemy with Inflatable Tanks, Sound Effects and Other Audacious Fakery”
Edward G. Lengel – Head of Faculty
Tyler Bamford (Emerging Scholar) – “The Anglo-American Alliance”
Robert Child – “Immortal Valor: World War II Black Medal of Honor Recipients”
Jeff Dacus – “The Fighting Corsairs: The Men of Marine Fighting Squadron 215 in the Pacific”
Larrie Ferreiro – “Churchill’s American Arsenal: The Combat Scientists Who Helped to Win World War II”
Rich Frank– “The War in the Pacific, 1942-1944”
Jared Frederick – “The Attack at Pointe du Hoc”
Will Ross – “The Massacre at Malmedy
Flint Whitlock – “First to Fight: The Big Red One in North Africa”
Cocktail Reception on Friday Evening at 6:30 PM for all Speakers and Attendees
Friday Bus Tour: Gettysburg After 1863: World War I and World War II Sites led by Jared Frederick, Licensed Battlefield Guide and Conference Speaker. Bus leaves hotel at 8:30 AM, tour includes coach bus, lunch, refreshment breaks, admissions, and gratuities.
Conference Registration: includes cocktail reception, continental breakfast, lunch and refreshment breaks.
Friday Bus Tour: includes tour guide, admissions, lunch, and refreshment breaks
Conference Hotel: We have booked a block of rooms at the Wyndham Hotel and Conference Center, 95 Presidential Circle, Gettysburg, PA at a rate of $135.00 per night (double or single occupancy) or suite at $149. For room reservations, please call the Wyndham at 717-339-0020 and ask for the World War II Conference rate.