11th Annual Conference of the American Revolution – March 15-17, 2024

Friday, March 15 (6:30pm) – Sunday, March 17, 2024 (12:30pm)

Tour registration: 
Conference only: $345

HQ: Glen Allen (Greater Richmond), Virginia

“America’s Premier Conference on the American Revolution”

“Always In-Person, Never on Zoom”

American Revolution Conference

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Following the Trail of Henry Knox’s “Noble Train of Artillery”: Part I from Fort Ticonderoga to Springfield – June 19-22, 2024

Wednesday, June 19 (7pm) – Saturday, June 22 (5:00pm)

Led by: Dr. Phillip Hamilton

HQ: Latham, NY

Tour Registration: $575.00

One of the most iconic operations of the Revolutionary War was the transport of artillery and military munitions from Fort Ticonderoga and Crown Point to Boston by Col. Henry Knox. In the dead of winter, the “Noble Train of Artillery” was floated south on Lake George. After a heavy snowfall, the guns were pulled by sled from Lake George to Albany after crossing the Mohawk and Hudson rivers, and then hauled over the Berkshires to Boston. Here the guns were placed on Dorchester Heights by George Washington’s army in March 1776, much to the surprise of the British currently under siege in Boston. A young, former Boston bookseller, Knox, who had a penchant for artillery, was given the chance to command the expedition which he completed successfully. It is a story worth telling as we approach the 250th anniversary of this event next year. We’ll avoid the snow drifts, ice and sleet experienced by Knox’s men by traversing the route in June, rather than the blistery cold days of December through February in 1775-76. But it will be a memorable trek, nonetheless. [Read more…]

Forts, Raids, Battles and Mayhem: The Schoharie Valley, 1776 to 1780 – September 7, 2024

Saturday, September 7, 2024 (8AM to 5PM)
Led by: Jeff O’Connor and Bruce Venter
Departure: Amsterdam, NY
Tour Registration: $165.00

This tour will feature the raids, forts, and battles in the Schoharie Valley during the American Revolution.

Many contributing factors made living on the western edge of Albany County, near the frontier, a very dangerous place during the war. Events here are indelibly linked to the people and events of the Mohawk Valley, as well as New York State and beyond. What happened in the Schoharie Valley region was part of a particularly brutal civil war that erupted on New York’s frontier. [Read more…]

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